Corporate social responsibility

(3-3, 413-1)

Social integration

Our corporate social responsibility and the development of action plans involve all disciplines and areas of the company. Tracking and meeting our goals in this area is the responsibility of the ESG committee, which reports regularly to the technical committee.

Social activities and economic contribution
We maintain direct ties with the communities where our properties are located, carrying out a number of activities and integration programs in our shopping centers.

During the year we carried out more than 250 free activities for visitors to our shopping centers celebrating art, sports, ecology and culture.

Some of these activities were:

  • Creation of an art mural accompanied by a bottle cap collection campaign to raise funds for treatment and medicines for kids with cancer.
  • Sharing of “Rosca de Reyes” and cooking classes
  • Plays
  • Summer courses
  • Sports activities during the World Cup
  • Activities for holidays like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, and others.

Aware of our responsibility to build a better Mexico, we traditionally support various causes, primarily institutions involved in childhood, because we know that children are the future of our country. We also support foundations that work for inclusion, diversity, visibility and gender equity and, during the year, we made donations totaling 650,000 pesos to various institutions:

Institution Donation
Fundación John Langdon Down A. C. $75,000
Mujeres en Finanzas (MEF) $75,000
Israel+Latin America Network (ILAN) $500,000
Total $650,000

(2-25, 3-3, 203-1, 304-3)

Impact remediation
At Fibra Danhos, we know that the growth of the population and the development of the world’s economy require continual expansion of infrastructure, which often affects the environment. Because of this, we work for solutions that help mitigate our impact and systems for measuring this in all our activities.

We abide by Mexico’s environmental laws and standards, both in operating our assets and for acquiring new properties.

Bosque San Juan de Aragón

At Parque Tepeyac, our new shopping center, we took more than 130 urban and environmental impact mitigation measures, among them:

Repair and renovation of the median on Avenida Eduardo Molina
To create more environmentally and culturally harmonious green spaces for our city, we revamped the green area across from Parque Tepeyac, which is the median on Avenida Eduardo Molina, 14,685 square meters in surface area.

We conducted soil quality studies and found that the soil was highly compacted and barren of vegetation. We applied moisturizing substrates and soil improvers, decompacted 3,500 m2 of soil (making it more permeable and improving its moisture retention) and then planted gardens with 3,523 pollinating plants; 270 agave cactuses along the length of the divider; 300 trees between one and two meters high, and three insect hotels.

Because we want to preserve and improve this space for the community, we will provide maintenance and irrigation of the median for a period of two years.

Bosque de San Juan de Aragón
To help improve the area surrounding the Parque Tepeyac project, we applied eco-technologies to establish restorative plant communities over 3 hectares of the Bosque de San Juan de Aragón park.

The project first required various soil, flora and fauna studies so we could decide on the most appropriate trees, bushes and ground plants for reforesting and restoring the site, selecting those that could be self-propagating, had high cultural, social, environmental value and were more resistant to pests and drought. We added soil improvers and installed a watering system, improving the soil’s fertility and moisture retention capacity also making this space more self-sustainable and reducing maintenance costs.

(2-25, 404-2, IF-RE-130a.5)

Environmental audits
We participate voluntarily in the Environmental Audit program of the Mexico City government, in keeping with the Law on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and Sustainable Development for Mexico City. To date, nine of our properties are registered with this program, which allows us to decide on preventive and corrective measures for protecting natural resources and the environment.

Total invested in environmental
Total annual emissions
17,745 tCO2e
Total energy use
41,633,262 kWh

Visit by students of civil engineering and architecture from the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) to Torre Virreyes.

Partnerships with universities
We forged alliances with some of the best universities in Mexico, in order to empower young talent and support the professional advancement of our employees.

Benefits for employees
Exclusive discounts on tuition for postgraduate programs.

University internship programs
To support young talent in Mexico and enrich ourselves with their ideas and vision, we have begun a program where students can complete their university internship programs with us.

Training partners of ITESM
We became training partners of ITESM, promoting and creating new and innovative challenges that allow students to apply their knowledge in practice and have a positive impact in the field of sustainable urban planning.