Our talent

(3-3, 401-3, 405-1)

We believe that all people have the right to work on a discrimination free environment and to receive a fair wage. Fibra Danhos offers dignified working conditions that provide essential support for the well-being of our employees.

Employee age range

Employee age range

Labor indicators

Workforce by gender

Women: 155

Men: 223

Managerial positions

Women: 9

Men: 20

Senior management

Women: 4

Men: 7

Departures by gender

Women: 26

Men: 51

Employee turnover rate: 20%

Permanent external employees are those who perform services regularly and continually in our properties. These include suppliers of cleaning, security, gardening and paramedic services.

Parental leave
Women Men
Employees who have been entitled to parental leave 5 1
Employees who have taken parental leave 5 1
Employees who returned to work during the reporting period after completing parental leave 5 1
Employees who during the reporting period had remained with the company 12 months after returning from parental leave 5 1
Reinstatement rate 100% 100%
Retention rate of employees with parental leave 100% 100%
Total internal employees 378
Total external employees 1,922

All of our employees are located in Mexico, and the figures refer to the workforce at the end of the reporting period.

Employee health and wellness (2-7, 2-8, 2-30,3-3, 201-3, 401-2, 405-2, 408-1)

A safe and healthy workplace is essential to the health, the physical and emotional well-being of our employees.
This is a priority for Fibra Danhos, where we provide safe workplaces, free of any type of discrimination or harassment, as stipulated in our Protocol to Prevent, Address and Eradicate Workplace Violence.

Compensation and benefits
At Fibra Danhos, we provide fair, competitive wages and benefits to our employees. We have a comprehensive salary and benefit package that exceeds the requirements of the law, so we can retain the best talent by contributing to their quality of life. Our policies and procedures on compensation and promotion are based on individual capacity, performance and merit.

All of our employees are of legal age, as established in the applicable regulations and the international principles of labor ethics. We recognize their freedom of association, but Fibra Danhos has no unionized employees at present, so there are no representation or collective bargaining agreements in force.

The gender wage gap at Fibra Danhos, based on the average salaries of the entire workforce, is 5%.

At our year-end dinner, we held a raffle with big prizes to thank our employees for their hard work; This year we raffled off nine cars and two all-expense paid trips to Cancun.

Employee benefits

Competitive annual starting salary

Major medical expense insurance.
Insured for up to 40 million pesos per event.

Life insurance
Covers 12 months of salary in the event of death, as well as double indemnity for accidental death and dismemberment.

Complementary profit-sharing payment
Of up to a month of salary.

Savings fund
10% of each employee’s nominal wage and equivalent contribution by the company.

Emotional health programs for employees

Maternity and paternity leave and nursing hours

Training and professional development (401-1, 403-5, 404-1, 404-2)

To encourage innovation and creativity among our employees, we know they need the motivation of continual professional advancement. We are committed to being the best employment option by offering them opportunities for development and recognition in a work environment where they are respected and valued.

Hours invested in training: 6,087
Average hours of training per employee: 16

Main types of training given

Personal Wellness


Civil defense

Taxes and Specialized Service Providers

ESG topics




Total employees hired 180*

Women: 22%

Men: 78%

* Of the 180 open positions, 17% were filled by internal hires and 28% by women.

Diversity and representation (405-1)

Fibra Danhos has risen to the challenge of building a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community. In 2022, we conducted a survey on workplace inclusion, diversity and gender equity, gathering information about the perspectives and experiences of our workplaces, so we could define clear actions and improvements based on the many voices that coexist in our company.

The following charts show the breakdown of our workforce, according to their responses regarding the racial and ethnic groups with which they identify.

Belongs to an indigenous community

Other ethnicities
(Community defined by racial, linguistic, cultural affinities, etc.)

Occupational safety and health (3-3, 403-2, 403-6, 403-7, 403-9 y 403-10)

We offer safe and healthy spaces and require that employees who may be exposed to risk respect guidelines to prevent incidents and achieve a culture of occupational health and safety.

Occupational safety and health programs

  • Weekly occupational health and safety training for employees in operations and maintenance.
  • Use of the AIM platform, which uses control lists to maintain a safety standard.
  • Regular safety inspections by operating and maintenance managers at each property.
  • Verification and oversight by the paramedics team to ensure that safety rules are in place for work at heights or any other high-risk activity.
  • Manual of work risks for each property.
  • Paramedic service for immediate medical attention in our corporate offices and in our properties.
  • Work environment survey in accordance with NOM-035, identification of psychosocial risks at work.
  • The safety team conducts inspection rounds of maintenance and operations in the entire property, both in private areas and public spaces, to ensure they are operating correctly.
Injuries and absenteeism
Number of fatalities 0
Number of incapacitating injuries 18
Cases of absenteeism due to general illnesses 106
Lost time occupational injury rate (based on 1,000,000 hours worked) 24.04
Absentee rate 0.02

At every workplace, we have safety scoreboards for promptly monitoring the accident rate, in order to alert maintenance personnel to follow all safety rules and maintain a positive record of accident-free days. During the year covered by this report, only minor incidents were reported; there were no fatalities.

List of occupational hazards with a risk of serious injury:

  • Work at heights
  • Handling of solvents
  • Work in confined spaces
  • Electrical work
  • High voltage work
  • Welding
  • Use of cutting tools